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主页 / 圆形摇杆开关,20.2mm 开孔,最大额定值 10A 250V(交流)- R13 系列和 R92 系列指示灯
- 圆形摇杆开关系列
- 单刀、双刀、发光和仅指示灯版本,机身尺寸相同
- 可提供防溅摇杆版本
- 取得 ENEC、UL、CSA 认可。认可和等级随功能可能不同 - 详情参考技术数据
- 4.8 x 0.8 QC 端接
- 可选择:
- - 机身颜色:黑色、白色
- - 执行机构:
- 圆形摇杆,可选择黑色、白色
- 双色圆形摇杆(仅适用于开关版本),可选择黑色、白色,搭配红色、白色插件
- 以上两个摇杆类型均未印刷,或印刷为黑色或白色,可选择图例
- 带发光点的圆形摇杆,发光圆形摇杆(均仅适用于开关型)或仅指示灯,光源可选用 12V 或 24V 红色、琥珀色、绿色、蓝色 LED 或 125V 或 250V 红色、琥珀色、绿色氖灯(可提供其他照明电压)
- 发光黑色宽柄(顶端发光),带隔离式红色、琥珀色、绿色、蓝色 LED,12V 或 24V
- 亦可提供:L188 卡扣保护盖(不适合宽柄执行机构版本)
- 如需全系列图例的详情,或大批量定制机身、摇杆和图例颜色的信息,请联系销售部
Custom Bulgin Product Enquiry Form
Part number builder
Make one selection from each category to define part number
R13 - Switch
R9 - Indicator Only
Must select Indicator Only (92B) Body
112 - Single Pole Round Snap Fit To Panel Mount
135 - Single Pole Square Bezel Screw Mount
208 - Single Pole Round Snap Fit Short Body
Must select ON OFF (A, A2, B, B2) Switching. If Illuminated Switching (B, B2) selected, must select Neon (2, 3) Illumination
244 - Double Pole Round Snap Fit To Panel Mount
92B - Indicator Only Round Snap Fit To Panel Mount
Must select when Indicator (R9) Function selected
A2 - ON OFF Two Colour Rocker
Must select Insert Colour
B - ON OFF Illuminated
Must select Neon (2, 3) Illumination
B2 - ON OFF Illuminated Dot
Must select Neon (2, 3) Illumination
E - ON OFF (Momentary OFF)
F - ON OFF (Momentary ON)
G - ON ON (Momentary 1 Side)
H - ON OFF ON (Momentary 1 Side)
I - ON OFF ON (Momentary 2 Sides)
LP - ON OFF Illuminated Paddle Tip
Tip of black paddle lit by isolated LED Illumination. Must select LED (5, 6) Illumination
Indicator Only (not switched)
Must select when Indicator Only (R9) Function selected. Must select Neon (2, 3) Illumination
B - Black
W - White
Options available for non-Illuminated Switching (A, A2, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) selections only
B - Black
W - White
Options available for Illuminated Switching (B, B2, LP) selections and R9 Indicator Function selection only
A - Amber Illuminated
BL - Blue Illuminated
Only available when LED Illumination (5, 6) selected
G - Green Illuminated
R - Red Illuminated
Select (Not Applicable) unless Two Colour Rocker (A2) Switching selected when Insert Colour must be selected
(Not Applicable)
Must select if Two Colour Rocker (A2) Switching not selected
R - Red
Required when Two Colour Rocker (A2) Switching selected
W - White
Required when Two Colour Rocker (A2) Switching selected
Select (Not Applicable) unless Illuminated Switching (B, B2, LP) or R9 Indicator Function selected when Illumination must be selected
(Not Applicable)
Must select when Non-Illuminated Switching (A, A2, C, D, E, F, G, H, I) selected
Neon options only available when Illuminated (B), Illuminated Dot (B2) Switching selected or R9 Indicator Function selected
2 - 125V Neon
3 - 250V Neon
LED options only available when Illuminated Paddle Tip (LP) Switching selected
5 - 12VDC LED
6 - 24VDC LED
Select Blank/Not Applicable if Illuminated Switching (B, B2, LP) or R9 Indicator Function selected, otherwise Legend can optionally be selected
Blank/Not Applicable
No Legend required, or not available for selected Switching
076 - CL076 - O I Vertical
Must select Legend Colour
080 - CL080 - O I Horizontal
Must select Legend Colour
Select (Not Applicable) unless Legend selected when Legend Colour must be selected
(Not Applicable)
No Legend Colour required - no Legend selected
B - Black
W - White
None/Not Applicable
No cover required or no cover available for selected Switching
L188 - Snap On Cover
Protective cover option. Not available when Illuminated Paddle Tip (LP) Switching selected