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ホーム / 6.0mmパネル穴、7.0mmベゼル、LEDまたはネオンオプション - 0566シリーズ
- 選択肢:
- - 終端:ターミナルバリアー付き2.8 x 0.5タブ、ワイヤーリード
- - 照明タイプと動作電圧
- ネオン:100V~130V、200V~250V
- LED:2VDC~2.2VDC、6VDC、12VDC、24VDC、110VAC~230VAC (他の動作電圧も入手可能 - 詳細については販売店に連絡のこと)
- - レンズプロファイル:平面、ドーム型、薄い平面
- - レンズ色:
- ネオン:赤、アンバー、緑、透明。特注で青も入手可能 - 詳細については販売店に連絡のこと
- LED:赤、黄、緑、白、青
Custom Bulgin Product Enquiry Form
Part number builder
Make one selection from each category to define part number
B - 2.8 x 0.5 Tab
With long terminal barrier
L - Wire Leads
0566A - 7mm Round 2.7mm Deep Flat Lens
0566B - 7mm Round 2.3mm Deep Domed Lens
0566C - 7mm Round 1mm Deep Flat Lens
L - Low Voltage DC LED
M - Mains Voltage AC LED
N - Neon
Options available for all Illumination selections
B - Blue
Available for LED (L, M) Illumination selections, available to special order for Neon (N) Illumination selection - contact Sales for details
G - Green
R - Red
Options available for LED (L, M) Illumination selections only
W - White
Y - Yellow
Options available for Neon (N) Illumination selection only
A - Amber
C - Clear
Options available for Neon (N) Illumination selection only
2 - Neon 125V
3 - Neon 250V
Options available for Low Voltage DC LED (L) Illumination selection only
1 - LED Only (No Series Resistor)
2VDC-2.2VDC working voltage. Use appropriate external circuit for desired operating voltage
4 - LED 6VDC
5 - LED 12VDC
6 - LED 24VDC
Must select when Mains Voltage AC LED (M) Illumination selected
9 - LED 125VAC-250VAC